A Potential Maternal Fatality Averted: The Case of a Young Patient who Underwent a Peripartum Hysterectomy at a District Hospital

  • Goma Rimal Consultant Gynaecologist, Lamjung Hospital Lamjung, Besishahar, Lamjung District, Gandaki Province, Nepal.
  • Shishir Khadka Consultant Anesthesiology, Lamjung Hospital Lamjung, Besishahar, Lamjung District, Gandaki Province, Nepal.
Keywords: postpartum hemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, maternal death, health system, Nepal


The case reviewed here represents a 22-year-old gravida-two woman who lived in a relatively more accessible hill town in Nepal. It was determined to be a potentially fatal case, and a peripartum hysterectomy was performed on her. The potential fatality was averted due to the availability of an obstetrician/gynecologist, an anesthesiologist, a functioning blood bank and blood transfusion facility, and nurses and other support staff. The case underscores that PPH could happen to any pregnant woman without any identifiable risk factor, and second, averting a potential maternal death requires the whole health system to function effectively.


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How to Cite
Rimal G, Khadka S. A Potential Maternal Fatality Averted: The Case of a Young Patient who Underwent a Peripartum Hysterectomy at a District Hospital. Europasian J. Med. Sci. [Internet]. 2024Aug.14 [cited 2025Feb.22];6(9). Available from: https://europasianjournals.org/ejms/index.php/ejms/article/view/536